



答案是否定的。新冠病毒直徑約0.1 μm。普通口罩縫隙約0.3-10μm,而且普通口罩側邊都是開口,根本無法密封、貼合臉部。更有間接導致癌症的風險(血氧濃度低、二氧化碳濃度高)。現在戴口罩的唯一功能就是幫助口罩商賺錢。

 2023 年1月30日公布全球權威的Cochrane醫學研究資料:


研究結果顯示:使用一般醫療口罩呈現極小的保護與沒有保護的效果。Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza‐like illness (ILI)/COVID‐19 like illness compared to not wearing masks.

使用N95口罩呈現極小的保護與沒有保護的效果。The use of a N95/P2 respirators compared to medical/surgical masks probably makes little or no difference for the objective and more precise outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza infection.

手部清潔的研究顯示出,手部清潔"可能"較能降低感染(因為11%已經落入可能無效的信賴區間)。We pooled 19 trials (71, 210 participants) for the composite outcome of ARI or ILI or influenza, with each study only contributing once and the most comprehensive outcome reported. Pooled data showed that hand hygiene may be beneficial with an 11% relative reduction of respiratory illness.

本報告由英國牛津大學的Tom Jefferson、University of Calgary 醫學院的John Conly (加拿大第7名、全球第169名的大學),等教授所做的最新的Meta-Analysis (統合分析),分析78個RCT、Cluster RCT(隨機試驗與群體隨機試驗)一共610,872人參加試驗。(Cochrane是非營利組織,但是Lancet、JAMA、NEJM《柳葉刀》、《美國醫學會雜誌》、《英國醫學雜誌》都不是非營利組織)。

1. 德國研究發現:COVID的傳播力與傷害遠低於2020年的評估:"Moreover, recent studies on SARS-CoV-2 show both a significantly lower infectivity [175] and a significantly lower case mortality than previously assumed, as it could be calculated that the median corrected infection fatality rate (IFR) was 0.10% in locations with a lower than average global COVID-19 population mortality rate [176]. In early October 2020, the WHO also publicly announced that projections show COVID-19 to be fatal for approximately 0.14% of those who become ill—compared to 0.10% for endemic influenza—again a figure far lower than expected [177]." (研究報告: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/8/4344  ;短版URL:https://bit.ly/3KyLAEU

而口罩的傷害卻遠遠被公眾、公家機關所低估。研究中發現多種負面影響,研究報告:https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/8/4344 ,包括:缺氧、疲勞、面罩引發慢性疲勞症候群(MIES)、呼吸困難、呼吸阻礙、血液中二氧化碳增加、降低血氧濃度、增加心跳、增加血壓、降低心肺功能、頭痛、暈眩、無法專心、阻礙認知能力、破壞皮膚保護功能、各式各樣的皮膚病、微生物汙染(細菌、黴菌、病毒感染),理論上更有可能導致發炎與製造有利癌症發展的環境。




2. 教學者、對話者的臉部表情對兒童、幼童的學習至關重要:https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/09/masking_young_children_in_school_harms_language_acquisition.html "This is important because children and/or students do not have the speech or language ability that adults have -- they are not equally able and the ability to see the face and especially the mouth is critical to language acquisition which children and/or students are engaged in at all times. Furthermore, the ability to see the mouth is not only essential to communication but also essential to brain development.". 

3. 疫情中出生的小孩,認知能力較低(可能原因為,母親懷孕時長時間配戴口罩導致缺氧)。研究報告:  https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.10.21261846v2 "Results reveal a striking decline in cognitive performance since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic with infants born since mid-2020 showing an average decrease of 27-37 points." (英國醫學期刊+耶魯大學)

4. 口罩導致皮膚疾病。BMJ (英國醫學期刊)。


5. 全美前三名醫學院Johns Hopkins 教授Marty Makary 撰寫文章指出:口罩無效。


6. 若血液中二氧化碳濃度過高對健康的危害:





「Masks. The gold standard of medical research is randomized trials, and there have now been two on COVID masks for adults. For children, there is no solid scientific evidence that masks work. A Danish study found no statistically significant difference between masking and not masking when it came to coronavirus infection. [Eds. A recent study showed that masks do reduce infections.] In a study in Bangladesh, the 95 percent confidence interval showed that masks reduced transmission between 0 percent and 18 percent. Hence, masks are either of zero or limited benefit. There are many more critical pandemic measures that Dr. Fauci could have emphasized, such as better ventilation in schools and hiring nursing home staff with natural immunity.」



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