Vaccinated Women and Babies in More Danger Than Ever




Vaccinated Women and Babies in More Danger Than Ever 


May 26, 2022 • by Etana Hecht, Substack 

The topic of pregnant and nursing moms getting vaccinated under encouragement and coercion is painful. It’s painful to research, painful to write about, and painful to learn how carelessly the most precious among us are being treated. The very essence of life and nature live within pregnant and nursing mothers. Reflecting on how little regard was paid to that life is upsetting, and everything I have to report in this post is done so with a heavy heart and a hope that we’ll get through this with a renewed sense of personal autonomy when it comes to medical decisions. 



Notes to Keep in Mind: 

  1. The FDA + Pfizer actively worked to keep this data hidden from sight for our lifetimes.FDA與Pfizer很積極的藏資料,希望我們有生之年都看不到 

  1. Academic institutions, Medical institutions, and public health agencies are all still recommending that pregnant women take the Covid-19 vaccines as a precaution against Covid. 

Dr. Naomi Wolf, Project Manager Amy Kelly, and the WarRoom/ DailyClout Pfizer Documents Volunteer Research Team have uncovered so many new important pieces of information that it’s getting difficult to keep up. I highly recommend pinning DailyClout to your homepage and checking their updates often. Their team of thousands of volunteers including hundreds of lawyers is working quickly, thoroughly, and efficiently. 

A lot of information and serious concerns have emerged surrounding pregnant and nursing mothers and the possible effect that the Covid vaccines are having on their babies. Dr. Naomi Wolf has been appearing on Warroom regularly to provide us with updates on the findings of her and her team. On one appearance last week Dr. Wolf broke down some of the main red flags that have emerged, with the help of a female physician who studied the data: (很多關於懷孕婦女重要的資料和疫苗對對嬰兒可能的影響已經浮現。Naomi Wolf 博士經常透過warroom來為我們提供新的資料。透過一位女醫生的幫忙下,協助我們解讀這些資料。) 

  • Pregnant women were excluded from clinical trials when they were declared safe and effective for pregnant women. Pfizer, the FDA, the CDC, the entire “medical community” and your local employer who declared that you couldn’t come to work if you’re not vaccinated have concluded that this was safe and effective for pregnant women based on trials that were done on rats in France. There have not been any human clinical trials that have been concluded by Pfizer or other pharmaceutical companies to find out if these vaccines are safe for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. There is currently one that’s still active, has no posted results and won’t conclude until July, 2022. 
    懷孕的婦女被排除於人體試驗之外,但是疫苗被宣告對懷孕婦女安全且有效。Pfizer, FDA, CDC, 和醫學界與那些告訴你沒有打針就不能上班的雇主,他們的結論認為孕婦接受疫苗是安全且有效的,這個結論來自於法國針對老鼠的幾個試驗。沒有一家製藥公司包括Pfizer 針對這些疫苗的安全性,來對懷孕的婦女、哺乳中的婦女進行任何人體試驗。目前有一個進行中的人體試驗,但是要到2022年7月才會結束。 


clinical trials 


The animal studies that were conducted for the trial that the NIH based their conclusions on included 44 rats and were done over a period of 42 days. There are 2 main issues with this study: 

  1. This doesn’t fulfill the requirement to ensure that the drug will do no harm to the next generation 

  1. The doctors conducting the trials have all either been employed by or owned shares of Pfizer or BioNTech. There was an attempt to hide this fact by using their initials instead of full names on the study. 
    這些進行動物試驗的醫生,全部都是Pfizer 或 BioNTech 的僱員或股東。他們曾經透過縮寫簽名而非全名簽名來試圖嘗試隱藏這事實(他們是僱員或股東的事實)。 



螢光部分:人用BNT162b2 劑30 ug mRNA/劑 (等同大於人體劑量的300, 基於mg/kg計算方式)透過肌肉注射給予44隻母老鼠,於交配前的21天與14天。和懷孕的第9天與第20天。 


CJB, NRC, GDC, SNC, MWC, CMR, RS是Pfizer的僱員並且擁有股票。CL, JD是BNT雇員並擁有股票。MB是Charles River Laboratories 的僱員。 

  • All Emergency Use Authorization excludes pregnant women. 

  • Pregnant and nursing mothers were NOT ALLOWED to participate in phases 1,2, and 3 of human clinical trials. They were included on a list of 21 conditions that were not allowed to be recruited for trials. Page 33 


criterion descriptions 


  • The Department of Defense data is showing that female soldiers are having an astronomical rate of abnormalities and fetal problems. (NOTE- Mathew Crawford of RoundingtheEarth Substack has stated that he does not believe ANY of the DOD data is reliable, as it’s been demonstrably tampered with. Having said that, there are whistleblowers on the ground who corroborate that the rates of a variety of serious medical issues have indeed skyrocketed in 2021). 
    國防部的資料顯示,女士兵所遭遇到的生理異常與胎兒異常呈現天文數字般的成長。Mathew Crawford認為國防部任何的資料都不可靠。而且顯然被篡改。但是有第一線的吹哨者證實自2021年開始,嚴重的健康問題的數量確實一飛衝天)。 

Adverse Events 

In the Pfizer documents that were released thanks to legal force, there is data on reported adverse events since the rollout of the vaccine. On pages 12-13 of the document labeled “postmarketing-experience” Dr. Wolf’s Team 5 found: 
wolf 博士的第五隊(志工)從postmarketing-experience檔案中找出: 

  • 28% of the 270 pregnancies + 4 fetus/baby cases of adverse events were categorized as serious, including:  

  • Miscarriages 流產 

  • Fetal deaths 胎死 

  • Uterine contractions 子宮收縮 

  • Pre-term deliveries 早產 

  • Premature rupture of membranes 早期破水PROM 

  • Fetal growth restrictions 胎兒發育不良 

  • Breastfed babies were reported to have effects such as:  

  • Infantile vomiting 嬰兒嘔吐 

  • Fever 高燒 

  • Rash 起疹 

  • Agitation 竦動 

  • Allergy to the vaccine 對其他疫苗過敏 

  • 4 nursing women reported adverse events such as:  

  • Partial paralysis 部分癱瘓 

  • Suppressed lactation 抑制泌乳 

  • Breastmilk discoloration 母乳顏色異常 

  • Breast pain 胸部痛楚 

  • Migraines 偏頭痛 

The document concludes that no serious adverse events have been detected. Dr. Wolf again questions whether we, as citizens of the United States of America, must begin to consider if all of these signs put together point to a serious national security breach. She has never seen anything as bad as what we’re seeing today in her 30 years in journalism. 

這份報告的結論是沒有偵測到嚴重不良事件。Wolf 博士認為美國的國家安全被破壞。 

There is a strong case that the potential risks for pregnant women  

from taking the Covid vaccine far outweigh the potential benefits. 

On May 17, Dr. Wolf re-appeared on Warroom shortly after the FDA and the CDC authorized the Pfizer Covid-19 booster for 5-11-year-olds. In this segment, Dr. Wolf revealed some new information about data on the vaccine for pregnant and nursing mothers: 
CDC和FDA批准5-11歲的Pfizer COVID 19 追加劑。 

  • In Scotland there is an investigation happening right now that was triggered by a threshold that was crossed regarding the number of neonatal deaths. Its double the baseline amount, and this is the 2nd time in 7 months that the rate triggered an investigation. 

  • Contrary to BBC claims (partially funded by Pfizer) that the rise in neonatal deaths cannot be connected to the vaccine, Dr. Wolf’s team, specifically Project Manager Amy Kelly, has found conclusive evidence to the contrary in Pfizer’s own documents. 
    與BBC聲稱新生兒死亡無法證實與疫苗有關(部分是由Pfizer資助),相反的Wolf 博士的團隊,具體是Amy Kelly 在Pfizer文件中找到決定性的證據。 

  • Pfizer defined exposure to the vaccine as breastfeeding. This was not disclosed to pregnant women. A research team in Germany has confirmed to Dr. Wolf that breastmilk can deliver elements of the vaccine 
    Pfizer 將哺乳定義為疫苗暴露。這並沒有讓孕婦知情。一個德國研究團隊對Wolf確認,母乳可以輸送疫苗中的元素。 

  • A baby born to a vaccinated mother died after being born bleeding from the nose and mouth. 

  • A mother received her 2nd vaccine dose on March 17, and within 24 hours her breastfed infant developed a rash and became inconsolable. The baby died 2 days later, with evidence of liver damage and a rare blood disorder. 

The history of the claims of safety and efficacy regarding the Covid-19 vaccines for pregnant and nursing mothers will hopefully result in individuals who will be held criminally liable. 


Missing Data 

DailyClout’s expert Team 5 research team has reported some alarming numbers from Pfizer’s documents regarding missing information. In one group of 270 pregnancies, there were “no known outcomes” for 238 of the cases. 
Daily Clout 的專業第5隊研究團隊,發現Pfizer文件中缺少了一些資料。在一組270孕婦中有238件沒有紀錄實驗結果。 

That leaves us with 36 known outcomes. Of those 36 known outcomes, 28 babies died before or at birth. It would be really helpful to know the outcome of the remaining 238 cases. 


missing data 


Pieces of the Puzzle – A Timeline 

March 2021 –50 participants in a clinical trial reported becoming pregnant, with some of them subsequently being dismissed from the trials. Cindy L. Weis of the DailyClout found that those 50 women have still not had their profiles updated to include pregnancy outcomes. 

2021年3月在一項人體試驗中,50個參與者懷孕,部分人被要求退出人體實驗項目。DailyClout的Cindy Weis發現,他們沒有將他們懷孕相關情況上報。 


In the same March 2021 document, we can see that Pfizer themselves admits the following: 

  1. Available data are insufficient to inform vaccine-related risks in pregnancy. 

  1. Adverse effects from the vaccine on a breastfed child are a possibility. 


clinical overview 


July 2021- In Waterloo, Ontario between the months of January – July 2021, there were 86 babies who were born dead, otherwise known as stillbirths. The baseline rate is usually 5-6 per YEAR. One brave MP named Rick Nicholls raised the issue in a parliamentary session with great concern and passion. In response, the Minister of Health gave the answer we’re all used to. The vaccine is Safe and Effective. Just to note, there was no noticeable rise in stillbirths in 2020, the year of Covid. 
2021年7月:在2021年1月到7月間,Waterloo, Ontario 86名死胎,也被稱為死產。而基線應該是一年僅5-6死產案例。一位勇敢的國會議員Rick Nicholls在國會議程中且提及此事並表達出他的憂心和對此事的關心。而衛生部長表示:我們已經習慣了。疫苗是安全而且有效的。另外,在2020年COVID爆發時,死產數量並沒有升高。 

September 2021 – Scotland launched it’s first investigation into an abnormal spike in newborn baby deaths that was triggered by surpassing a threshold in infant deaths that hadn’t been seen since the 1980’s. (Note- this spike did not occur in 2020, the Year of Covid) 

Ashmedai over at Resisting the Intellectual Literati wrote an extensive report on fertility issues and the vaccine back in September 2021. 
Resisting the Intellectual LiteratiAshmedai針對生育能力與疫苗的關係寫了一篇詳盡的報告。 


August 2021- NPR reported on a survey out of the University of Chicago to investigate reports of changes in menstrual cycles after the vaccine. They received 140,000 responses., 

October 2021- VAERS looked like this:  

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System(疫苗不良反應回報系統)的報告: 





vaers data 

I ran my own VAERS report using only a few pregnancy-related keywords. The list is 769 events long, and here’s a screenshot of just a few from the first page: 


pfizer biontech 

December 2021 – IVF clinics reported unusual issues after the mass vaccination campaign began. Steve Kirsch covered it thoroughly. 

體外授精診所回報指出在大規模疫苗接種活動後發生了不正常的問題。Steve Kirsch的報導。 



January 2022- NIH funded a study that was released that reported a slight causal relationship between the Covid-19 vaccines and a lengthier menstrual cycle. 



menstrual cycle 



February 2022- An EU health agency announced an investigation between Covid-19 and disruptions in menstrual cycles based on reports coming in. 


menstrual disorders 

Josh Guetzkow reported on data from Rambam Hospital in Haifa, Israel. Vaccinated mothers were experiencing spontaneous abortions/miscarriages/stillbirths at a rate that’s 34% higher than their unvaccinated counterparts. 

Josh Guetzkow報導以色列Rambam醫院發現與未接種疫苗的母親相比,接種疫苗母親們所經歷的自然流產/死胎/死產多出34%。 


March 2022- A 2nd investigation was launched in Scotland due to the high rate of infant deaths, totaling 18 for the month of March. 


vaccines to pregnancy 

Pfizer, what say you? 

After spending days reading reports about the horrible negative effects of fertility that are coming out in droves, I had to at least try and get some sort of response from Pfizer. After sitting on hold for a while, a gentleman named Ron got on the line. When I asked if the Covid-19 vaccine is safe for a pregnant woman to take, he read me the entire safety warning from Pfizer’s website. I then told him that I know many women who have had serious disruptions to their menstrual cycle, as well as numerous women who experienced miscarriages late term, shortly after getting one of the Pfizer vaccines. I asked him what he knows about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, given all the new information that’s come out from the FOIA requests. 


He responded that he can pass me along to his managers, but first he has to read another statement, this time from the CDC. He proceeded to verbally read it for 10 minutes while I waited patiently. When he finished, surprised that I was still on the line, he asked if I had any more questions. I said yes, and asked if he wanted to be a whistleblower. He said he noted my response and passed me along to Olivia, which was pretty much a repeat of the first conversation. 


I left contact information with both of them just in case, but somehow I highly doubt we’ll get a response. I did note to both of them that should they want to get on the right side of this scandal and begin to help those who are suffering, they should do so before the entire thing crumbles down. 


Now What? 

We’re now in May 2022. The claims of safety and efficacy don’t match their own internal documents that they tried to hide for 75 years. Yet academic institutions and public health agencies continue to insist it’s recommended for pregnant women to receive Covid-19 vaccines and boosters. Until when? Until the wave of misery gets so large that it’s no longer deniable? No one is coming to save us. Groups like DailyClout, VSRF, America’s Frontline Doctors, Children’s Health Defense, and ICAN are sources of inspiration that there are still good men out there, as well as a source of hope that through their strength and efforts, we’ll come out of the other side of this with some integrity still left in some medical professionals. 

現在是2022年5月。他們想要隱藏75年的內部資料完全與他們所稱的安全性和有效性不合。但是學術界與公共衛生單位繼續強調他們推薦懷孕的婦女施打疫苗和加強劑。那麼要到何時?直到痛苦的海嘯大到無法否認為止?直到沒人能夠拯救我們?如同DailyClout, VSRF, America’s Frontline Doctors, Children’s Health Defense, and ICAN這些團隊,從中我們得知,這世上還是有正直的人。他們的衝勁與努力,是我們希望的泉源。當這一切結束的時候,我們會發現還是有部分專業的醫療人員存有部分的正直。 





中醫vs 西醫